Course Detail

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This is a practical work-related course on which you will learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. This course will introduce you to your chosen career and provides a good basis to progress onto a more advanced qualification.

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Entry Requirements

For this course you will need to have achieved a minimum of 4 GCSEs grade 3 or above, including English or Maths.

A reasonable degree of fitness would also be advantageous.

You will need to have undertaken at least one week of work experience in a related discipline setting. Evidence of this experience must be provided at enrolment in the form of a reference from the setting you attended.

Following your application to study this course you will be invited to attend an admissions interview with a member of the teaching team to discuss the course and its requirements further.

Course Content

During this course you will study the following nine units. Four core units will provide a general foundation and five specialist units will introduce you to particular topics in more depth.

Core Units:

Investigate employment in the uniformed services
Physical fitness for the uniformed services
Develop team working and problem-solving skills
Health and safety in the uniformed services
Health and hygiene in the uniformed services
Follow uniformed service routine
Exploring equality and diversity for the uniformed services

Specialist Units may include:
* Carry out map reading and navigation
* Undertake adventurous activities
* Participate in competitive sports
* Explore the use of telecommunications in the uniformed services
* Explore volunteering and volunteering opportunities

Alongside your main programme of study you will also study either GCSE or Functional Skills in English and Maths if you have not achieved a GCSE grade 4 or above. If you have achieved a grade 4 or above in GCSE English and Maths, you will engage in extending these skills through a Directed Study Programme.

There is a requirement for all public service students to purchase a uniform of at least one polo shirt and a hoodie. A pair of walking boots for outdoor activities will also be needed. This will be discussed at interview.

You will have the opportunity to take part in educational and industrial visits during your course. A financial contribution of £150.00 per year towards the cost of the visits and activities is to be paid throughout the academic year as trips as arranged. Possible visits may include The Middlewich Custody Suite, The Fire Station, Army Look at life, Army Personal Development Course, Crown Court, University and UCAS events, but could be subject to change.


You will be assessed through assignment work and external examinations. Each unit is graded Pass, Merit or Distinction and then an overall grade of Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction* is awarded on completion.

GCSE and Functional Skills qualifications are assessed through external examinations.


Fees: £993.50
Fees Advanced Learning Loan: £0.00


On successful achievement of this course you may wish to:

* Apply to progress onto the NCFE Level 3 Extended Diploma for entry to the uniformed Services, ideally you will be expected to achieve a minimum of a Merit grade at Level 2.
* Pursue a career in Public Services such as the Armed Services, Police, Fire Service, Ambulance Service, Private Security, Prison Service, Coastguard, Customs and Excise or Local Government Administration as this qualification is valued by employers.

Additional Information

Additional help and support is available should you require it and you can discuss this further at your admissions interview.

Duration and Times

Next course available: September 2nd, 2024
Days of week: TBA
Number of Weeks: 36

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