Investors in well-being

College life
Investors in Wellbeing
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We are excited to announce that we are the first College in the world to be awarded the Art of Brilliance ‘Investors in Wellbeing’ status.Over the past 12 months we have been working hard with Dr Andy Cope and his team, to educate our staff and student ambassadors about mental wealth, positivity and resilience.

What does 'investors in well-being mean?

Since the Art of Brilliance training with staff and students, elements of positive psychology have now been introduced into the College curriculum.

Students are encouraged to think about what they are like at their best. They have been taught that mindset is a set of beliefs about what they think is possible and importantly, what they believe about themselves will have an impact on how quickly they can learn.

Why is this award so impotant?

Dr Andy Cope says ”I want to create a culture in education where wellbeing is on the curriculum.  The one thing that parents and carers want for their children is for them to be happy. The world then does its worst to make them unhappy. Wellbeing should be up there with maths and English as a key core subject that we should be teaching young people, so they can understand how to look after their own wellbeing.”

What's next?

So what next? Building positive psychology into the curriculum, building a growth mindset and building the confidence of the Wellbeing Student Ambassadors … but the College won’t stop there! They want all new starters in September to be given the language of wellbeing in their first few weeks. This will set them up for success in their time at the College, but also for their future. The College also hopes that it can inspire other colleges and education providers around the world to invest in the wellbeing of all.

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