Employer charter

About us

At Macclesfield College of Further and Higher Education we aim to provide an efficient, friendly and responsive service. We have a team who are responsible for working with employers.

We provide comprehensive training for a wide range of organisations. This is our Charter for working with employers. It provides details of what you can expect from the College.

The performance against the standards listed below will be monitored throughout the academic year by employer feedback and surveys. Results of the College’s performance against the standards will be published at the end of the academic year.

What employers can expect from us:

We will:

  • Respond to all telephone enquiries within one working day and voicemails within 2 working days. Emails enquiries will be acknowledged same day, and where an enquiry cannot be fully answered on that day an appropriate time frame will be communicated;
  • Meet with you at your convenience and carry out a Training Needs Analysis as requested;
  • Identify your business/learner aims with you. These will be regularly reviewed with you throughout the training by regular contact;
  • Allocate your account to a member of the Business Unit team who will monitor delivery and help with any issues that may arise;
  • Provide clear information on our courses and training programmes, assessment, qualifications and fees usually in the form of a Training Proposal;
  • Supply information on any financial or funding opportunities which may be available;
  • Invoice within two weeks of the start of the programme or as agreed with you;
  • Agree with you the method and frequency of feedback on learner’s attendance and progress prior to the start of training;
  • Invite you to experience the College’s facilities and attend special events;
  • We will deal with any information given by the employer and the learner as confidential within the terms of the Data Protection Act;
  • Deal with any complaints quickly and efficiently. If we are unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction we will refer to the Colleges’ formal Complaints Procedure;
  • Evaluate the training with you at the end of the programme. This will include: the delegates’ evaluations, the impact the trainings has had on the business, achievement of business aims and any further training and development needs you may have.
What employers who sponsor employees on College courses can expect:

We will:

  • Respond to all telephone enquiries within one working day and voicemails within 2 working days. Email enquiries will be acknowledged same day and where an enquiry cannot be fully answered on that day, an appropriate time frame will be communicated;
  • Supply any additional information in respect of the College’s provision requested by employers within 5 working days of request, prior to an employee enrolling on a course at Macclesfield College;
  • Send a course information sheet to you within 2 working days of a request, prior to an employee enrolling on a course at Macclesfield College;
  • Provide employer or employee a confirmation of enrolment within 2 weeks and send an invoice within 2 weeks;
  • Send progress and attendance reports to sponsoring employers every 3 months where the employee/delegate has given permission for this on the Enrolment Form. (Please note this feedback will be sent to the person named by the employee on the Enrolment Form).
What employees can expect

We will

  • Provide high quality training and development;
  • Supply professional resources and access to the College VLE and other facilities;
  • For longer programmes we will also conduct a Mid-Programme Evaluation which allows the College team to act on any of your comments immediately;
  • Give you the opportunity to complete a confidential Evaluation Form at the end of the programme.
Other information for employers:

Health and Safety
We strive to make Macclesfield College as healthy and safe as possible. The College follows all Health and Safety rules and regulations and undertakes on-going monitoring and reviews of all our Health and Safety policies and procedures. To support work- based learners in their workplace, we also conduct a Health and Safety appraisal with their employer.

Equality and Diversity
The College is committed to equality and diversity in all that it does and seeks to ensure that all learners and staff receive equally favourable treatment and that all forms of equality and diversity are fully embedded across the whole of the organisation.

The College is a diverse learning community and the safeguarding of all of our learners is of utmost importance to us. There are a number of policies in place to support this including an overarching Safeguarding Policy. There are procedures in place for dealing with specific allegations of abuse for all Macclesfield College learners.

All employers employing apprentices are fully briefed on their obligations to the College’s Safeguarding Policy. As an apprentice, your assessor will also advise you of the College’s Safeguarding Policy.

For more information please contact our Business Development Team by email:businessunit@macclesfield.ac.uk or by telephone: 01625 410022.

For general course information please contact the Learner Experience Team on 01625 410000.

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