The College takes its duty of care seriously and we are proud to foster an ethos throughout the organisation of safeguarding being everyone’s responsibility.
It is important to us that all of our students are (and feel safe). The College takes its duty of care seriously and we are proud to foster an ethos throughout the organisation of safeguarding being everyone’s responsibility. Here at Macclesfield College, safeguarding is a whole college approach.
Macclesfield College is here to help to keep you safe: we hold the safety, health and welfare of students as paramount. We believe that all young people and vulnerable adults have a right to protection from abuse, whatever their age, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual identity or gender.
The Government provides statutory guidance on how to achieve this and there are local strategies and procedures outlined by the authorities that we work very closely with. This is often referred to as ‘safeguarding’. Please read our Safeguarding Policy here.
A safeguarding issue is a serious risk of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional and financial), neglect or any other event that is likely to cause significant harm. It also covers things such as extremism, forced marriage and female genital mutilation. Safeguarding issues can also happen on mobile phones, social media and the internet.
Everyone works together to ensure that students, staff and visitors are protected from harm and feel safe. Remember that if you or anybody else is at risk of being harmed in any way then you must tell someone.
There is a team of Safeguarding Officers in college whose job it is to make sure that young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe from abuse or neglect. The team is trained in Child Protection and Safeguarding and can make appropriate referrals to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students.
If you or a person you are helping needs to report harmful content, please press the button and follow on the instructions.
If you have any safeguarding issues or concerns, please contact a member of the Safeguarding Team:
Helen Hampson - Designated Safeguarding Lead - 07738 105 384
John Beddows - Welfare Officer - 07738 105 390
Hannah Worthington - Welfare Officer - 07594 090 434
Alternatively, they can be contacted via the following email address:
The College Counsellor is available if you would like to talk to someone about anything which concerns you, whether it is to do with college, friends, work, personal or home life. Counselling offers a safe, informal place where you can talk freely and in confidence in a way that is not always possible with friends, family or tutors. The Counsellor is based Student Central. If the Counsellor is free you may be able to talk to her straight away or alternatively you can make an appointment.
To make an appointment simply call or text Mandy on 07738 105 379 or email
Macclesfield College recognises it has a statutory and moral duty to ensure that the College functions with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults receiving education and training at Macclesfield College.
Where we suspect that a young person or adult at risk is being abused we will take appropriate measures to protect them. This might involve reporting our concerns to Social Services or the police. Where appropriate we will also discuss our concerns with parents or carers.
All College staff are trained in spotting and dealing with concerns of abuse, appropriate to their level of responsibility. All staff and volunteers working at the College have an enhanced check through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) system to ensure that they are suitable to work with young people and vulnerable adults.
Please see the Student and College Policies section for the Safeguarding Policy.
The negative impact of bullying is widely recognised. We are committed to challenging bullying in all its forms and taking firm and decisive action to protect the interests of our students whenever incidents come to light. The following are some of the measures currently in place:
Please see the Student and College Policies section for the Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy.
If you haven’t found the right course for you, then tell us about the course that you are looking for.