Access to HE

two student sat laughing at a computer
Access to HE
a young group of female students sat laughing

Access to Higher Education Diplomas are full Level 3 national qualifications accepted as a standard entry qualification by Higher Education (HE) providers in England and Wales. Each year over 40,000 learners in the UK register on Access to Higher Education Diplomas and most go on to succeed in HE and embark on life changing new careers.

courses available in Access to HE
Access to HE Diploma (Health Professionals)
Access to HE Diploma (Nursing & Midwifery)
Access to HE Diploma (Social Science & Humanities)
Access to HE Diploma (Social Sciences & Criminology)
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2 students in the foreground sat at their desks, talking happily while working on their laptops. 3 other students are working on their laptops behind them. Just in view are also a hospital bed and walking frame
Who are these courses for?

Our range of Access to HE courses are perfect for those who may have been out of education for many years or those who are wanting to retrain for a new career.

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